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Associating a button to an action is done by creating a method to be called, then giving that method as a symbol to the button entry.

Look at this code from in MyGUI rowCoolerAdjustment: dialog which creates the button in that row:

rowCoolerAdjustment: dialog

  ^dialog newRow: {


      newButtonFor: self
      getState: nil
      action: #setCoolerAdjustment
      arguments: nil "if args, use { xx. xxx.}"
      getEnabled: nil 
      label: 'c: Cooler Adjust'
      help: 'helpText'.

This is the 'long form'. When the button (which will say "c: Cooler Adjust") is clicked the button will look for a method called 'setCoolerAdjustment' in MyGUI. Because that method does not require any parameters, arguments is 'nil'.

Notice the comments after arguments: nil. If instead of calling something with no arguments (myMethod) you are calling something with methods (myMethod:aString), then you put #myMethod: after action: and you put a set (curly brackets) after arguments. Separate each element of the set with a period.

 action: #myMethod:
 arguments: {param1.}


 action: #myMethod:do:
 arguments: {param1. param2.}
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Page last modified on May 01, 2011, at 12:08 PM