Primary goal: Raison d'ĂȘtre for each of the current packages that appear in Pharo. This is the list. I include the name of all the packages, up to the first hyphen. So for example, Collections represents all the Collections-xxx packages (such as Collections-Abstract, Collections-Arithmetic, etc.).
- See but which version is this referring to?
- Announcements
- Balloon?
- Collections
- CollectionsTests
- Compiler
- CompilerTests [NC]
- Compression
- CompressionTests
- Deprecated12
- Deprecated13
- DialogItemsChooser
- EmergencyEvaluator
- Exceptions
- Files
- Finder
- FixUnderscores
- FreeType
- FreeTypeTests
- Glamour
- Gofer
- Graphics
- HelpSystem
- HostMenus
- Kernel
- KernelTests
- MenuRegistration
- Monticello
- MonticelloConfigurations
- MonticelloGUI
- Morphic
- MorphicTests
- Multilingual
- Network
- NetworkTests
- PackageInfo
- Polymorph
- RecentSubmissions
- Regex
- SUnit
- SUnitGUI
- ScriptLoader13
- Settings
- SimpleMorphic
- StratifiedProxy
- System
- Tests
- ToolBuilder
- Tools
- ToolsTest
- Traits
- TrueType
- UI
- UIManager
(end of list)
Secondary goals:
- Examples that can be run from a Workspace, that show how to use various classes. These examples could be added to the documentation of the class.
- Different ways to make a user GUI for data entry, running code, etc.
- Where is the code for tools such as workspace, browser, etc.
- Understanding how menus work
- Things you don't want to do
- If something goes out of the current release, remove it from the main page here, but maintain some history of the change.